About Me

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Inuvik, Northwest Territories, Canada
Im moving from Northern Ontario to Inuvik, and thought I'd blog my journey and life in the Arctic. This is a supplement to http://inuvikphotos.ca/ which is full of great information on life in Inuvik. Considering moving to Inuvik - contact me on landofthemidnightsun2015@gmail.com EDIT- I got busy with school, work, meeting new people etc, and totally forgot about this blog - until I was sending information to a new co-worker and they suggested I put the info on the internet..... So watch this space for more posts in the future!

Saturday 22 February 2020

5 - Accommodation

Inuvik from above, in the fall. Taken by EightyOne Images

Quite often, people take whatever they can to begin with, then look for something more suitable once they are here. Another option is to stay at a hotel (Nova Inn is the cheapest) or air bnb for a while first.

Most apartments/row houses include water and heat, electric is often extra

 One of the apartment buildings from Northern Properties

Northern Properties is the larger renter – some places are better than others. Most are apartments but they also have row houses.  Lake View and Park View are pet friendly but not the quietest places. Nijja has bachelors, but can be pretty rough. Mountain view is adult only. https://www.northviewreit.com/other  (867) 678-0824

A row house

IDC has several buildings, which I have heard are much nicer. Some are adult only, some are pet friendly. Theres often a wait list for them 

Theres Boot Lake apartments, but I don’t know who you contact for that, possibly 867-777-2743?

Tununuk apartments - the contact is Greg 867-777-4569. rent is $1150 for a 1 bedroom - probably the cheapest place in town.  

Contact Barb at the Mackenzie hotel (she works the reception I believe) for accommodations offered through the Mackenzie hotel group (867) 777-2861  

Teepee housing 867-777-2488? 

Private rentals and house shares can be found on facebook Inuvik Accommodations 
cover photo, No photo description available.

Buying household items
Northmart - sells furniture, appliances, bedding, kitchen and bathroom items
Home Hardware - sells small appliances, kitchen and bathroom items
Wrangling River - sells some furniture

Lots of used items can be found on Facebook Inuvik Buy Sell Trade 
cover photo, Image may contain: text

Theres also a store next to Bob's Welding Gas, that sells second hand appliances and furniture

Other options are to buy in Edmonton or Whitehorse and arrange shipping via Manitoulin or Northwind - but get quotes first. For Example Ikea in Edmonton will ship to the Northwind depot and they will truck it up - but shipping prices vary widely

Buying a house
There's not a huge market for selling / buying houses, and theres no realtor here so most are private sales. Some house sales do go through realtors in Yellowknife - these can usually be found on https://www.realtor.ca/

You can get a trailer for $75,000, an older house that needs work for $100,000-$150,000, or an "executive" house (read pretty new) for $350,000 plus (which tend to sit on the market for years - mainly because they were bought when the market was high and a lot is still owed on the mortgage and they don't want to take a loss).  If you are willing to wait (and it could be up to a year), you can find a mid range house for $200,000 - $300,000. Sometimes you can get good deals if the person is wanting to sell quickly.
The process of buying/selling a house by yourself without a realtor is not as daunting as you think - all you need is a decent solicitor - and its easier and quicker if the two parties use the same one.  Below is the information for the company I used, who were fantastic.

Ahlstrom Wright Barristers + Solicitors

Danica Patterson Legal Assistant
Email: DanicaP@ahlstromwright.ca | http://www.ahlstromwright.ca

PO Box 1162, 4916-49th Street | Yellowknife | X1A 2N8

Tel: 867-873-2000 | Fax: 867-873-2012 | Toll Free: 844-558-8750

If you are a first time home buyer, you may be eligible for a housing grant which can provide up to 10% of the cost of the house (typical down deposit). You have to attend a few classes on finances g budgeting and get your employer to fill out an income verification form. Contact details to come....
Typical "A-frame" houses (3 bedroom)

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Sunday 14 June 2015

4 -The Arctic From Above

I am lucky in that I travel sometimes for work.... to Yellowknife, the biggest settlement in the Northwest Territories, and also to smaller communities, mainly Tsiighehtchic, Fort McPherson and Aklavik, which are in the Gwich'in Settlement Area. I have also taken a personal trip to Tuktoyaktuk, this past winter. For such a remote area, these communities are easily accessible, unlike other communities (in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region) such as Sachs Habour, Ulukhaktok and Paulatuk.

Tsiighetchic (1.5 hours drive away) and Fort McPherson (2.5 hours drive away) are along the Dempster Highway, which runs from Dawson City in Yukon, to Inuvik, Northwest Territories, where I live. This means they are accessible almost year round by road, although a small ferry (which is free) is needed to cross the Peel River at Fort McPherson and the Mackenzie River at Tsiigehtchic. During the winter the rivers freeze, and ice roads are made, providing access (more on that in my next blog!). There is a short period of time in the spring as the ice melts, and in the fall when the ice forms, when there is no access. Alkavik is not accessible by road, in the winter there is an ice road, in the summer you take a 15 minute plane ride there (unless you have a personal boat, in which case it takes about 2 hours).

I had to take two trips to Aklavik the past few weeks. Boy was I in for an awesome flight!!!!! Unfortunately my camera battery died towards the end of my first flight, and the weather was bad for my flight home and both legs of the second trip to Aklavik, but I still managed to capture some good photos of the spectacular scenery.

The Inuvik airport is small, only a few airlines fly out of there, and they each usually only provide one or two flights per day, so its very compact. there is a restaurant there, Cloud 9, which is reputed to have awesome food, open for breakfast and lunch only. Unfortunately, it doesnt open til 9, and I had to be at the airport at 8 for my flight, so I didn't get a chance to eat there. Theres also a car rental booth, and a rack of tourist brochures.

The inside of Inuvik airport

The tiny, and only, baggage carousel

Map of the North

Our location

Polar Bear

The rear of the Inuvik Airport (taken on a cloudy, damp day)
The tiny plane

The plane holds 9 passengers, the pilot and a co-pilot seat (though there's no co-pilot) which is sometimes used for a passenger if you're lucky! There's cargo areas under the plane and in the tail of the plane.

Inuvik from the air
There was still some ice on the river

The Mackenzie Delta (you can still see some iced areas - this was at the end of May)
A cloudy day
This is why there are so many mosquitoes


As far as the eye can see, in all directions
Cloud reflections on a sunny day
Aklavik airport - just one airline flies out of here, with 2 flights a day, plus a few charters/deliveries. Literally just one room with 8 seats, washrooms, and a control room!

Aklavik, with mountains on one side

Aklavik population ~650
A problem with the tiny planes, is that if there's bad weather, such as fog, you end up with delayed or cancelled flights til there's good weather in both Aklavik and Inuvik - my flight was delayed, then after three hours it was cancelled. I waited a total of 10 hours til the next scheduled flight. Thankfully, they did two trips to make sure all the people from both flights got to Inuvik

A return flight to Aklavik costs $233. Tours are provided by Up North Tours and Arctic Chalet

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Sunday 24 May 2015

3 - Food Prices

So, the question people ask the most, apart from "how cold does it get?", is "how much are groceries?" So I have been keeping track of the cost of things since my arrival in January. Now, I assume fruit and veg costs more winter compared to summer, and I know prices go up around the road closure and food has to be flown in. (There are 2 road crossings over the river, serviced by ferry in summer and ice road in winter, which temporarily close for several weeks in spring when the ice melts, and fall when the ice forms).

There are two main grocery stores in town - North Mart and Stantons. I find each one sells some things you cannot get at the other, and quite often one store will have certain things cheaper than the other. I prefer Stantons - they have more things in bulk (therefore cheaper), and the fruit and veg seems to be of better quality. Not that any fresh produce lasts long as it takes so long to get here! Prices are for the cheapest brands, you can double the prices for some brand names

So I have North Mart listed first, Stantons second. Then I have the Fruit Man. He lives in Inuvik and drives down to Vancouver in a transport (lorry), fills it up with groceries, and brings it back. Hes often cheaper, and the produce is much fresher. I don't have many prices listed for him though as you dont get an itemized receipt and the place is always too packed to write down the prices. Then I have the outrageous prices for meat (February prices), and the more reasonable prices for local free range, hormone free reindeer. Of course I list prices for some important items such as alcohol!!!, then the difference of some items during the road closure (some are also outrageous).

As you can see, prices do vary quite a lot over time.  But everything is more expensive here, although wages are higher here (minimum wage is around $16/hour and many places pay more, including a Northern Allowance of up to $14,000 a year), and there are tax breaks ($7 a day), which helps offset the cost.  Rent is expensive too $1,300 for a 1 bedroom apartment (includes heat and hot water), $700 to $900 for renting a room in someone's house (all inclusive),  around $250,000-350,000 to buy a decent 3 bedroom house.....

One thing I do have to say, is that Inuvik caters well to those with allergies - gluten free and lactose free :) and the prices aren't that much more than back south. And you can get some cheap deals when items are close to their expiry date.

***This list is not exhaustive - just from when I remembered to save receipts!!!***


Fresh veg and fruit
Russet potatoes - 3 large (0.95 kg) - $4.84
Bananas - 6 small - 0.71kg - $2.52 ($3.69 kg)
Broccoli - 1 large head - $4.21
Zucchini - 4 medium - $4.37

Dairy and alternatives
*Almond Breeze milk - small (non fresh) carton -  $3.39 plus 10c bottle levy and 5 c enviro levy
Free range eggs - 6 - $3.29

Cans / jars
Primo chick peas - 540 ml can- $3.59
Primo kidney beans - 540 ml can - $3.59
Green Giant peas - 398 ml can - $3.19
Best Value harvest corn- 341 ml can - $2.59
Best Value mushrooms - 284 ml can - $2.69
C.G. (tomato) pasta sauce - 798 ml can - $2.79
Best Value baked beans with maple - 398 ml can x2 - $1.95 each
Ragu pasta sauce - $3.79 (save 70c)
KOI Curry Paste -  $3.49

McCain shoestring fries - 1.5kg- $6, usually $11.99
Cavendish fries - 2kg - $9.96

*Rizopia ricebows GLUTEN FREE pasta - $2.99

Aromat seasoning -  1 packet - $3.15

Baked / Baking
*Glutino pie crust mix GLUTEN FREE - 1 box - $5.19
*Glutino choc chip cooke mix GLUTEN FREE - 1 box - $5.19
*IC Corn Flour - 9kg - $8.29
*Bob's Red Mill All Purpose GLUTEN FREE flour - 1.24kg - $8.79
*Glutino Pizza Crust Mix - 1 box 624g - $5.25
*Bob's Red Mill Pancake Mix GLUTEN FREE - 633g - $4.99
*Glutino bread mix GLUTEN FREE- $6.39

Old Dutch Cheese Puffs - 1 bag - $4, usually $4.69
*Nature Valley Thins (granola bar) Peanut Butter - 10 pack - $5.85
*Nature Valley Thins Chocolate (granola bar) - 10 pack - $5.85
Blue Diamond nutthins crackers GLUTEN FREE - 1 box - $4.09
Mary's Organic ginger cookies - 1 box - $5.89
Pringles - $4.09
Ruffles chips - $5.29
Doritos chips - $4.99

Pepsi/Coke - 2litre - $3.95
Tetley Teas - 20 chai - $5.35
Bottled water - 18l - $17.99 including bottle
Bottled water refill  - $8.99

Plastic bag - 2 - 50c plus 2c GST
Butternut squash curry spread - $7.19


Fresh veg and fruit
Ginger root -140g- $3.99
White button mushrooms - 200g - $2.49
White button mushrooms -320g - 3.49
Mushrooms 454g - $3.49
Broccoli - 1 large head - $3.99 (Feb) /$4.99 (early May)
Carrots - 2lbs - $2.99
Organic garlic bulbs - 3 - $2.19
Yellow onions - 6 smallish - $3.11 ($2.29/kg/ 2.99/kg).
Onions - bag of about 6 - 1.36kg - $5.29
Red onions $2.39/kg
Cucumber, English - $2.99/$3.39/$4.39
Potatoes - mixed small - 2lbs - 5.09   
Russet potatoes - 5 - $1.30
Russet potatoes - 1 kg bag - $4.48
Russet potatoes - 5lb - $5.99
Sweet potatoes - 6 medium - $5.47 (save 2.61) $4.29 kg
Yams - 1kg - $5.89
Rutabaga - 1 small - $1.54
Peppers - 3 (red, yellow, orange) - $5.99/6.49
Leeks - 3 large - $4.99
Cauliflower - 1 - $5.99/$6.29
Spaghetti squash - $5.49/kg
Bananas - 6 - $3.89 / $3.69/kg
Cherry tomatoes - 297g - $1.99 reg price $5.89
Tomatoes - $6.29/kg
Lettuce - $4.39
Romaine hearts lettuce - x3 - $5.99
Apples, red delicious - $4.99/kg
Cesar salad kit - 284g - $2.64 1/2 price
Green onions - bunch, 156g - $2.69/ $3.19

Dairy and alternatives
Olive oil Becel margarine - 454g - $5.99
Olive oil Becel margarine - large - $10.99
*Cream cheese, (coconut based, non-dairy) - 227g - $6.59
*DAIRY FREE Cheddar cheese slices - 220 g - $5.89
*DAIRY FREE Cheddar cheese shreds - 227 g - $5.89
Goat cheese, soft - 454 g - $11.49
Goat cheese with herbs - 125g - $1.99 on sale from $5.79
Vanilla almond milk - 946 ml - $4.89
Almond milk unsweetened - 946 ml - $4.79/$5.29 plus 5c enviro fee, 10c bottle sale
Soy milk - 9044 ml - $4.79
Eggs - large - 12 - $4.09
Eggs - large - 18 - $6.19
2% milk - 2l - $5.95
Shredded old cheddar - 340g - $11.89

Cans / jars
Pure pumpkin - 796mil can - $5.89
Refried beans - 398 ml can - $3.29
Green curry paste - 195g - $3.79
Coconut milk lite - 400ml can - $3.29
Maple baked beans - 298 ml - $2.89/ $3.29 (late April)
Baked beans, sweet and  tangy - 398 ml - $2.99
Pineapple chunks - $3.98ml - $2.99
Pitted black olives - 395ml - 2.59 (early April) /$3.89 (early May)
Spaghetti sauce - $4.49
Water chestnuts - 227ml - $1.99
Thick and chunky salsa, medium - $4.89
Peach halves in juice - 398ml - $3.59
Beets, sliced - 750ml - $5.69

Frozen peas - 1 kg - $5.69
Frozen corn - 1 kg - $4.99
Fries - 1kg - 4.49
Cauliflower - 1kg - $5.99

*Minute Rice whole grain - Big box - $11.49
Sushi rice - 750g - $7.99
Kidney beans, dried - 500g - $3.29
Black beans, dried - 500g - $3.29
Red split lentils - 450g - $3.49
Green lentils - 454g - $4.69
Black Bean Spaghetti GLUTEN FREE - 907g - $16.69
Quinoa - 500g - $9.79
Fusilli pasta GLUTEN FREE - 340g - $4.99
Raisins - 1kg - $10.39
Taco kit - 250g - $6.99

Baked / Baking
Corn tortillas (small, soft) - $2.89
* bread frozen GLUTEN FREE - $5.69 - $7.69 depending on type
Hamburger buns frozen GLUTEN FREE x4 - $5.29 - $6.29 depending on type
English muffins frozen GLUTEN FREE - $6.59
Hamburger buns regular - x8 - $6.19
Bread regular, white, frozen - 570g - $3.69
Brown sugar - 1 kg - $5.39
Tapioca (dry) - 227 g - $3.39

Meat and alternatives
*Tofu, extra firm $5.96, save $8 - for 4 - $3.49 each regular price
Hot Italian sausage 500g - $6.99
Hot dogs - 450g - $5.79

Salt and pepper shakers - $5.99
Lemon juice - 125ml - $1.19
Olive oil, extra virgin - 1 litre - $11.99 /$12.59 (late April)
Organic Ketchup - 750ml - $5.99
Dijon mustard - 325ml - $4.49
Italian seasoning herbs -$6.59
Soya sauce - 450ml - $3.29
Mayonnaise 1/2 fat - 710 ml - $7.99 /$9.39 (late April)
Pancake syrup - 710 ml - $6.39
Honey - 500g - $7.69
Olive oil spray - small - $7.49
Cinnamon - 50g - $6,79
Red hot sauce - 148ml - $4.89
Ranch salad dressing with bacon - 475ml - $5.59
Rice vinegar - 360ml - $4.49
Tartare sauce - 250ml - $2.99
Vinegar, white - 500ml - $2.49
Vinegar, malt - 375ml - $2.79
Canola oil - 3l - $12.69
Simulated bacon bits - 490g - $7.79
Paprica - 50g - $6.39

*Apple granola bars - 5 - 210g - $2.44 (on sale 50%)
Fibre One Oat and chocolate chewy bars 24 - $16.49
*Breton crackers garlic and herb GLUTEN FREE $4.69
*Breton crackers original GLUTEN FREE $4.69
*Trail mix fruit and nut bars - 5 - $4.89
Walnuts, chopped - 200g - $4.99 on sale from $6.39
*Rice crackers -  box of 6 - $9.99 save $5
Chips - 180g - $4.99
Vegetable thins crackers - 200g - $3.99
Swiss cheese crackers - 200g - $3.99
Rice crackers - box of 6 - $15.69
Seaweed for sushi - 10 packs - $14.99

*Oasis Apple juice - 960 ml - $3.49, bottle sale 10c, environ fee 5 c
*Oasis Tropical passion juice - 960 ml - $3.49, bottle sale 10c, environ fee 5 c
*Tetley earl grey vanilla tea - 24 - $4.59
*Tetley Chamomile (20) - $4.59
*Tetley green tea and ginseng - $4.59
*Tetley black tea with strawberry - $4.59
Coke - 2l - $2.59 regular $3.99
Dr Pepper, cherry - 12x355ml - $9.20 plus $1.20 bottle fee and 60c enviro fee

*Variety pack instant oatmeal (non name brand) 1.02kg (24) - $8.29
One minute oats - 900g - $6.39
Marmalade - 310ml - $6.19
Special K fruit and yoghurt - $7.99
Raspberry jam - 250ml - $4.89
Peanut butter ALL NATURAL - 745g - $12.89

Cling wrap 90m - $6.99
Aluminum foil - 100 ft - $11.39
Parchment paper - 10m - $5.39
Toilet cleaner ALL NATURAL - 709ml - $5.69
Glass cleaner ALL NATURAL - 946ml - $$6.59
All purpose cleaner ALL NATURAL - 946ml - $6.59
Kitchen garbage bags, regular - x48 - $5.49
Toilet paper, RECYCLED - x12 - $12.49
Paper towel RECYCLED - x6 - $10.89

Veg man

2 x 454 g hummus 9.50
*12 free range eggs 5.50 each
I huge red onion
I med rutabaga
1 med cabbage
Mushrooms, big bag
Small white potatoes
908 g corn tortilla chips
Total 59$
Quinoa - 4kg - $28.99
****Cheese is waaay cheaper here, but still expensive

Items with * are cheaper or only available at this store

The scary stuff (worth being vegetarian, or mostly vegetarian!)
Cheese (cheapest)- 600g - $16
Cracker Barrel cheese - 700g - $22
Bacon (cheapest)- 500g - $15
Beef roast - $24/kg
Ribs - $11/kg
Pork loin - $13/kg
Ground beef - $15/kg
Chicken drumsticks - $50/kg
Chicken breast - $18.99/kg ON SALE
Chocolate milk - 4 l - $12.99 - 22.99
Milk - 4 l - $10.99

Local reindeer
Reindeer Meat Prices
$ / lb

Or $/bag
or # bags
$ / kg
Mixed cuts

assorted cuts

all meat, 2 lb bag
Stew - $6 per lb

shldr meat
Slice  n Fry - $7.50 per lb

h q pcs
Quick fry - $8.50 per lb

fine-cut hq
Steaks – middle

mid back cuts
Steaks – best

lower back cuts
Saddle roast

lower back cuts
Strip-loin -2-3 lb ea

Usu'y 4-5 lb bag
Tenderloin - 1 lb ea

Usually 2-3 lb bags
Sm boneless HQ roast

Avg 2.5 lbs
Bone-in HQ roast – 4-6 lb

avg 5 lbs
Whole shoulder w leg

avg 8 lbs
Whole neck

avg 8 lbs
Rib rack – full ribs

Very meaty
Brisket pieces



limit per customer





Kidneys – 5 per bag

5-pack for $8

Head w tongue



large bulls / not cows

Carcass front half

Avg 45 lbs


Payments made out to Ingrid Blair,  POBox 1057 Inuvik NT X0E 0T0

Shipping by air freight collect - Canadian North OR prepaid - First Air

And now the important stuff
Box of wine $56.38 tax inc
Bottles of wine - 750ml start at $13.99 before tax
6 bottles local craft beer - $18

Road Closure
For a while there wasn't much in stores.....

Eggs - large - 18 - $9.19 was $6.19
Russet potatoes - $6.29/kg, was $2.69/kg
2% milk - 2l - $9.95 was $5.95
Spaghetti squash - $7.39kg, was $5.49kg (1 squash cost $14)
Butternut squash - $14.89/kg (1 squash cost $23
Bananas - $9.99kg, was $3.69kg (April)
Corn on the cob - x4 - $12.39
Asparagus - 1lb - $10.09
White button mushrooms -320g - $5.89 was 3.49
3 leeks - $9.59, was $4.99
Thick and chunky salsa, medium - $6.59, was $4.89
2% milk - 2l - $9.99, was $5.95
Strawberries - 1lb - $8.29
Raspberries - 170g - $5.59
Blueberries - 340g - $8.49

Good selection and not much more than back south (in comparison to the increased cost of other foods)

Stantons - UHT dairy free milks

Stantons (often sold out) - few different kinds of tofu

Stantons - fresh dairty free milks

Stantons - goat cheese is easier to digest than cow cheese

Stantons - often sold out - cheese slices, cheese shreds, cream cheese

Stantons - frozen - bread, burger and sausage buns, wraps, muffins

Stantons - rice crackers, pasta, sauces, pancake mix, cake mix, crackers, rice
North Mart - cookie mix, pizza mix, cake mix, pie crust mix, pancake mix, flours, snacks

North Mart - pretzels, cookies, cereal, pasta, snacks, flour

On a side note - you can also get a limited selection of all natural shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, lotion etc
or order from well.ca (free shipping over $100)

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